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Frans Wants Green Zone in Philipsburg—Suggested that vacant parking space be used.

frantzPhilipsburg:--- Island Councilman Frans Richardson made sure he suggested that a green zone be built in Philipsburg. He said that he knows the commissioner of Public Works Theo Heyliger loves to plant trees. Richardson said it has been four years now since the former commissioner of Public Works hit down an old building in Philipsburg next to CIB claiming that they would be building a parking lot there.
He said to date that no parking is built and instead of having a waste piece property the island government should shift some of its monies and purchase that property and make sure they build a green zone in Philipsburg which is already congested with concrete jungles. Richardson said far too long the government is developing and they have forgotten to take care of their people and believes a park with some trees and beautiful benches would serve the children of Philipsburg well.
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