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sxmtransformerspremiere01072009San Juan, Puerto Rico:--– Last Monday, June 22, 2009, the premier of the movie, “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” was held at the San Patricio Caribbean Cinemas theatres in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico.

The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau and its “¡Diviértete Más en St. Maarten” summer

Advertising campaign sponsored this special movie premier. A total of 423 people

attended the “by invitation only” special event, and were the first people in the

world to see this summer blockbuster, which broke all Wednesday opening day

records in the United States and in Puerto Rico.

At the end of the event, all attendees received a St. Maarten promotional bag

with information about the island, St. Maarten promotional items and information

about the summer packages available only through the St. Maarten / Puerto Rico

Program Partner Retailers.

Sponsorship of this movie premier is part of the aggressive marketing and

promotional efforts that the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau and its Puerto Rico

representatives, Paradigm Associates, are undertaking in this market to establish

the island as the ideal vacation destination for Puerto Ricans.

Currently, St. Maarten is sponsoring various different promotions in Puerto Rico including television, newspapers, radio and internet (Facebook and Twitter).

The St. Maarten Facebook group for the Puerto Rican market (“Diviertete mas en St. Maarten”) has increased its membership to more than 500 people posting their

vacation photos, positive reviews about the island and inquiring information about

special packages to vacation in St. Maarten.

The next movie premier to be sponsored by the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau will

be “G.I. Joe” during the second week of August. This movie is also expected to

be another summer blockbuster.



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