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gebe14052009CAY BAY-The main water line running from the water production plant to the main holding tanks blew out early Thursday morning resulting in water service being disrupted to most areas on the Eastern side of Cole Bay Hill. GEBE customers in Philipsburg, Cul de Sac, St. Peters, South Reward, Belvedere, Dutch Quarter, Pointe Blanch and Guana Bay did not have any water for most of the day on Thursday.
The GEBE Water Distribution team was on site quickly and determined the location of the rupture. However, the main water line is buried under close to 300 feet of dirt that had been excavated for the Indigo Bay project. GEBE technicians organized a team of two excavators to begin the arduous task of digging out the water pipes. Because of the proximity to the main high voltage electricity cables, the excavation team needed to work extremely carefully.
At press time, the excavation works were ongoing and would continue throughout the night until the pipe could be accessed. Once the main water line is accessible, the GEBE team is expecting the repairs to be completed quickly. Then the replenishment process of the water storage tanks can begin which is expected to take a several hours.
The GEBE team has been working nonstop since the discovery of the water leak and will continue to work tirelessly until water has been restored to the affected areas. GEBE would like to apologize to its customers for the inconvenience.
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