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AIRPORT -- PJIAE is making good on its reputation of being the Catalyst of Activity in the Simpson Bay area. In a move that should entice people to come and experience the uniqueness of its Food Court, the airport company is launching a Sizzlin’ Summer Special with attractive deals for customers.

“It’s a scorching 30 degrees out there this summer, and here we have a comfortably air-conditioned building with unique food establishments that many locals do not really know much about. We hope to be able to take advantage of the slow months ahead of us to change this,” said Mrs. Lucrecia Lynch-Matinburgh, PJIAE’s Marketing and Communications Manager.

While the Sizzlin’ Summer campaign was initially designed to draw traffic to the airport, PJIAE and the companies that operate inside the Food Court intend to use the opportunity to express gratitude to the St. Maarten community for its continued patronage. “We know a lot of families will not travel abroad this summer, so we are pleased to offer them an alternative,” said PJIAE President, drs Holiday.


The campaign will feature a weekly Friday evening party dubbed the Friday Summer Cool Down, a coloring contest for children under 12, and a weekly raffle among Food Court patrons which will peak at the end of September with the drawing of a monetary contribution toward a child’s school-fees. This prize -NAf 1,100- is a joint effort by PJIAE and the concessionaires, as a combined show of commitment toward education.

To win, customers must purchase from at least three of the Food Court units during the campaign, collect stamps from them, with which they enter not only for the weekly raffle, but for the grand drawing as well.

The businesses are also offering other special treats. “This is a wonderful idea from PJIAE Management to increase traffic into our establishments,” said one of the business owners.

All agreed that for the duration of the summer campaign -which begins next week and runs till September 30-, each child accompanied by an adult will eat for free at any food establishment on the ground floor of the airport building. “One of the units on the ground floor will be fitted with a bouncer and there will be other daily games, and snacks and ice cream at discount prices in the Food court,” said Mrs. Lynch.


The Sizzlin’s Summer Campaign fits well into the airport’s efforts to further institutionalizing its So Much More retail brand that was launched a few months ago.

The catalyst of development in St. Maarten, PJIA now has a diverse offering of services in its terminal building, ranging from parking, to taxis and limos, to tour busses and beauty salon, banking and Wi-Fi, as well as conference rooms, to food and beverage and shopping. “Name it and you can most likely find it; if not, we are working on it,” PJIAE President drs. Eugene Holiday said. “Every business that is represented at our AeroCity was carefully selected. Everyone living in St. Maarten should come down to PJIA, whether you’re traveling or not- and experience St. Maarten’s AeroCity. An experience that undoubtedly lead you to conclude that PJIA is “So Much More.”



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