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Guadeloupe Strike Rages On.

Basse Terre, Feb 19 (Prensa Latina) The detention of 33 people in the last few hours and the arrival from France of more police forces are testimony Thursday of the complex situation gripping this Caribbean island, on general strike for a month.
One union leader dead, six policemen injured, several fires and sacked stores define the five-week uprising, while the Paris government tries to find solutions.
Neighboring territories from Martinique and French Guiana are also stage for popular protests, although with less intensity.
Originated from the extreme poverty, they are against the economic policies French authorities have maintained.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy expects to meet today with parliamentarians and top leaders of the regional government from those islands and Guyana, as well as other representatives from overseas departments, to find a solution.
Among the main demands is an increase in 200 Euros of the lowest salaries and the reduction of prices in basic products, as an expression of the unrest due to the high cost of living.
According to reports, the French executive is evaluating the possibility of increasing the lower salaries as workers demand, which will be approved by owners and unions, with the aim of ending mass protests.
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