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Sint Maarten PRIDE Foundation hosting Eco-documentaries --- Calling on teachers to take note.

Philipsburg:--- The St. Maarten Pride Foundation said in a press release that in recognition of the upcoming World Environment Day on June 5th and World Ocean Day on June 8th the foundation will be hosting eco-documentaries in order to further bring across awareness and education on the state of the worlds environment.
The United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and encourages political attention and action. The local environmental organization St.Maarten PRIDE Foundation believes that apart from cleanup campaigns, youngsters should learn about their local environment through the eyes of what others are doing in other parts of the world, on the global level.
With this in mind, the Pride Foundation is inviting all primary schools from grade 5. and 6 and high schools to sign up for this educational activity.

On June 7th, the Movie "TAKING ROOT" (Theme this year is the "Forest").

This documentary tells the struggles of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Wangari Maathai of Kenya. Her simple act of planting trees grew into Kenya's Green Belt Movement. Maathai mobilized women to rally against deforestation, poverty, embedded economic interests and government corruption. She became a National political force that helped to bring down Kenya's 24 year dictatorship.

On June 8th, World Ocean Day, the Movie "SHARKWATER" (theme this year "YOUTH" next wave of change).

This eco-thriller is a true life adventure of biologist and film maker Rob Stewart who risks his life to stop the man slaughter of sharks. The eco-film is packed with action, gun boat chases, pirate boat ramming. The film showcases why sharks play an integral role in our marine environment and should not be slaughtered.

Both films start at 10am at the Philipsburg Cultural Center.

Schools must register to attend by calling Jadira Veen on 5200650 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., space is limited. The movies are free of charge. Schools may attend both days or choose one of the days.

We hope to see many students and teachers take this opportunity to attend the World Environment Day and World Ocean Day educational film events.

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