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Hurri-Cane – the living moving generator.

By ir. Damien Richardson

damienrichardson02072024Norway has innovated and created water tunnels, Elon Must has innovated and created reusable rocket boosters, the Netherlands has innovated and 98% of its country lives on dry land six meters below the water level. The Caribbean has innovated and created a shield that protects its islands and it absorbs the energy from hurricanes – living in that future potential is what makes this region special.

The reason hurricanes have names is to make sure there is no confusion when discussing them from regional context to regional context. Everyone knows what the power of a hurricane can do; just the name alone strikes fear in people anywhere. It is time for us as a region of nations to accept the opportunity that has been presented to us and consider our options. Hurricanes have one very important feature – WIND. Passive wind energy is a very well-known resource. Today, the question must be asked: why are we not storing this freely given resource as a reuseable alternative? Take note of the Chinese proverb that says, “There is nothing difficult in the world as long as you set your mind to it.”

Hurricane gets its name from the Taino people - Hurakan – “god of the storm”. Today, we have the distinct opportunity to change the idea of the name so that hurricanes can have a more proactive purpose. What if hurricanes could be viewed like living moving generators? Considering the alternative options, it is reasonable to begin researching and developing proactive toolkits to combat and totally protect and harvest the freely given wind power resource from our visiting friends, the hurricanes. A toolset of connected elements that can surround each island to protect the islands from the oncoming hurricane winds would be a priceless benefit and solution.

Hurricanes have been around for centuries. There are many books written about them. Let us write new books and new stories about how beautiful the experience was for the locals and the visiting families. Families would then be able to visit their island of choice. So that they could see and admire this once in a life time event; to see the way the island shield was absorbing the energy from the hurricane similar to watching the northern lights, but from an up close and personal perspective. This could be experienced from the convenience of their yacht, cruise ship becks or from their especially least villa or hotel accommodations. As they say “seeing is believing”.

This region has learnt all that it needs to learn from hurricanes; it is time to turn the page and close this book. Let us open this new book called the Hurricane Energy Region. Let us shake the global news broadcast syndicates with news of the record energy storage capacity highs freely given to us by hurricane X,Y and Z. Living is not dreaming. We are living in this real time where hurricane recovery has reached over tens of billions of dollars in lives lost and recovery aid. Let us open our book to being able to finally give back to the world by introducing our own living energy supply toolkit.

Dutch UN Mission Attempts to Block Bonaire Group from BAKU Initiative Conference; Dutch Government Abuse Complaint Sent to Dutch King.

Letter from James Finies to Your Highness Willem-Alexander and the new Prime Minister,

As the people of Bonaire continue to strive for our fundamental human rights under Article 73 of the UN Charter, I remind Your Highness of the promise made to me and the people of Bonaire during our meeting on November 16, 2013. Your assurance gave us hope, confirmed by a Dutch government letter dated January 8, 2014 from Minister of Interior and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk, that endorsed our right to self-determination: “That the people of Bonaire have the right to make their voices heard and right to self-determination is an attainment that is not up for discussion and is fully endorsed by the Cabinet.”
In line with this promise, I protested for 222 days in 2014, leading to a referendum on December 18, 2015, where 66% of Bonaire's electorate rejected the island's current status. Despite this, our Bonaire peoples decision was ignored, and our rights denied.
We turned to the UN, and on June 22, 2016, I addressed the Decolonization Committee, which recommended Bonaire be re-listed as a Non-Self-Governing Territory. Dutch legal experts confirmed our premature delisting in 1955 was erroneous.
During our discussion on November 16, 2013, I clarified I do not seek independence but only to restore our rights under Article 73 of the UN Charter. This is urgent as Bonaire's native population has dwindled to under 32% due to demographic changes since 2010.
We seek your cooperation to ensure our rights are respected. Unfortunately, recent actions by your Dutch government representatives undermine this effort:
- At the Small Island Developing States Conference in Antigua and Barbuda in May 2024, our colleague Davika Bissessar, President of Bonaire Human Rights Organization, faced racial intimidation and abuse from Saba Governor Johnson.
- Last week, June 20, 2024 the Dutch UN mission attempted to block our participation in a UN decolonization conference organized by Azerbaijan UN Mission at the UN Headquarters in New York.
Furthermore, we have disturbing indications of wiretapping by your intelligence service, which I requested to stop in my letter dated June 27, 2022. We have faced assassination attempts and unlawful arrests due to our advocacy.
I hold Your Highness's Kingdom Government responsible for any further threats to our safety. We trust you to address these issues and uphold our rights as promised.


With utmost trust,
James Finies

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