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Road Blocks on Saint Martin continues, youths making demands from State and Local Government.

roadblocks08112021French Quarter:--- Residents of  French Quarter were totally blocked in on Monday when protestors blocked the access road in Oyster Pond that takes them to the Dutch side, while blocks and old vehicles are placed across the road in Belle Plaine.
The roadblocks began last week when Sandy Ground and French Quarter were locked down. Certain areas in Marigot, such as Low Town and St. James Rue de Hollande were also blocked off, and fires lit in the middle of the road.
When the roadways were blocked off youths who were manning the blockade began demanding money from drivers who wanted to cross the border. There were a number of scooter riders that were also plying the scooter ride trade to take people in and out of French Quarter through Belle Plaine.
On Saturday several persons made posts on Social media condemning the youths for demanding border fees and the abuse taking place with the roadblocks while some organizations are fighting against the sanitary pass and PPRN.
Several known persons met with the youths on Saturday evening to discuss the way forward and scold them for taking money from drivers who want to cross the border. However, this escalated matters on Monday when the youths protesting decided to block off the Bell Plaine road by placing rocks and old vehicles across the road. Scooter riders were at the location plying the scooter trade all day on Monday.
The Oyster Pond road was completely blocked with rocks and old tires that were set ablaze. While the same type of blockage was placed on Chamba Hill.
It is not known when the State government or Local government will meet with the youths and address their concerns that led to the roadblocks.

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