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Are there criteria for the Dutch Funding, or is it to take care of the Boy's Club?

Dear Mrs. Hodge-Shaw,
Can you imagine my astonishment when I read this article in The Daily Herald? But the following day I was even more surprised that you did not champion the people and integrity for the abuse of using government funds to build a home for these fraudsters. Glenda Dollison lives on a house on property left to her by her father Carlos Dollison. She lives in a concrete house, so her house was not destroyed as they claim in this article. Furthermore, Glenda Dollison rents out parcels of land to people allowing them to construct from a shack to a brick house and the person is charged depending on the size of the lot.
Judging from the size of the Dollison property a low estimate would be $14.000 monthly that she collects in rent. How does the SMHDF justify building, not repairing, a house for this person? While there are literally thousands of other people who genuinely cannot help themselves and are still roofless more than a year after the hurricane, they select her and her brother to build a house for.
Right there on the property there are people who can’t repair the shacks they are living in, and they select these people to give them aid. Are there any criteria for getting help? Do they investigate who they are helping? There’s mention of two people who were supposed to be representing The Netherlands Ministry of internal affairs, but they were most likely representing Holland at El Capitan Nightclub than looking into the background of those selected.
Ms Hodge, you have always exposed abuse and defended the people. You have always sought justice and fairness for the people of SXM. I’m asking you to expose these fraudsters and make them pay back that money. Let that help go to people who really need it. Expose what criteria Franca uses to pass over people in need to build houses for people who can afford their own repairs and construction.

Concerned Citizen of St. Maarten

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