The theme for this year's celebration "Building a Nation of Courageous and Determined People" focused on the preservation of the island's landmarks.
Pastor James Young challenged the Parliamentarians and members of Government whom he said were placed in their position by God to save the landmarks that their forefathers have set for them. He said where the Governor's office is located were all bushes but today the island is different because St. Maarten has prospered. Young said in the past St. Maarteners were able to count every light pole on Cole Bay Hill and in Phillipsburg but all of that changed since "Mount St. Louis was built in the Great Salt Pond." Therefore, he challenged government not to touch the island's landmarks. He said he knew Emilio Wilson personally and some of the things that are being said about him today are totally untrue.
Pastor Young called on government to listen to the command of God if they are to "Build a Nation of Courageous and Determined People." He referred to several scriptures from the book of Joshua and the preamble of the constitution of St. Maarten which states that the Country St. Maarten would recognize the guiding principles of God as they lead the new nation. Pastor Young said he knows everyone that is in government and most importantly he follows everything that takes place in government. He cautioned politicians to stick and work together in the interest of St. Maarten.
He said some 42 years ago there were hardly any buildings on the island but St. Maarten has developed because she opened her doors to the poor and to the strangers. Pastor Young in his message said that the Minister of Justice Roland Duncan is doing a great job by clamping down on the abuse of the island. However, he believes that stiffer punishment should be meted out for criminals especially foreigners who have come to St. Maarten to destroy its shores and wealth.
While St. Maarten was celebrating its second constitution day, the police of the KPSM celebrated "Police Day" on October 10th since the Police Force of the Netherlands Antilles separated on October 10th, 2010. The church service of Police Day coincided with the solemn meeting of Parliament which was organized by the President of Parliament Rudolphe Samuel.
The Roman Catholic Church of Tours where KPSM held its church service was packed to its capacity. The only person who did not show up on time to receive the message and to enjoy the hymns was Minister of Justice Roland Duncan. Duncan participated in the meeting of Parliament before joining the police almost to the end of the service.
Chairman of the organizing committee of Police Week Turhan "Pico" Simmons presented two awards on Police Day. One went to family members of the late Wilfred Marsdin "the late Mr. Fix it" and the other was presented to the family of the fallen detective Anthony "Chiki" Elizabeth both of whom were members of the organizing committee of Police Week which started since in the 80's.
Chief Commissioner of Police Peter de Witte in his message said that every country needs the police but the police cannot work alone, they need to work with the community and even though this might sound absurd it is the true reality of policing. De Witte said while the police are mandated by ordinances to solve crimes and arrest people that commit crimes they are only exercising their duties. The top cop said that the officers of the St. Maarten Police Force should be proud of themselves because they have achieved quite a lot in a short period, even though they are greater challenges ahead of them for the next two years. De Witte called on those that attended the service to observe the loss of the late Anthony "Chiki" Elizabeth and officer Rumnit who recently passed away. A moment of silence was also held for the passing of Bailiff Karl Arndell who passed away early Wednesday morning at his home.
De Witte also gave credit to the officers of the police force who managed to solve almost all the murders committed in 2011 and 2012. He said just recently KPSM was confronted with the brutal murders of American tourists Micheal and Thelma King. The police he said managed to apprehend three suspects who already admitted to their involvement in that gruesome crime. He pledged that the police force will not stop until this particular crime is completely solved because that alone gives the family relief as well as the St. Maarten community.
After the church service the police forces of the different islands on St. Maarten marched through Front Street and ended it at the Philipsburg Police Station. The Constitution Day and Police Day Celebrations continued with a lunch at the Emilio Wilson Park.
Click here to view more photos of the Celebration of Constitution and Police Day on St. Maarten.