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lionsclubinducts5newmembers09042013Philipsburg:--- At a very impressive Induction ceremony held recently at the Holland House Beach Hotel, the St. Maarten Lions Club inducted five new members into the fold. The new members are Selma Baker, Imelda Joseph, Cris'tel Larmonie, Jasmine Mathani and Carolyn Longhorn.
The induction ceremony was conducted by Lion District Governor Claudius Buncamper, MJF who presides over District 60B of which St. Maarten falls under.
Before taking the oath of membership and new members were given a thorough orientation session where they received much information about the International Association, the Multiple and Sub Districts and the service given on Cub level. District Governor Buncamper put the emphasis on the added value which new members are expected to bring to the Club.
In keeping with District Governor Buncamper's wish to bring in as much former Leos to the Lions fold the club yet again welcomed former charter member of the St. Maarten Leo Club to the Lions fold in the person of Cris'tel Larmonie who is also the daughter of Past District Governor Maxime Larmonie, MJF.

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