PHILIPSBURG:--- The National Alliance proudly presents candidate #13 Dorothy Richardson. Dorothy is the mother of four sons and one daughter. She is the grandmother of seven. Dorothy is known among friends and fans as Rosa, Dots, teacher Cotton or Ms. Richardson to her students.
Dorothy has been an educator for 40 plus years with a background in geriatric nursing and business management. She is involved in many non-profit organizations. Has founded and co-founded many foundations all dealing with promoting Educational, Social Skills, Culture and Art.
She is an avid story teller and is working on a series of children stories and hopes to be an accomplished children's author very soon.
Presently, she teaches at Charles Leopold Bell Primary School as a fourth grade teacher and lectures at the University of St. Martin. The courses she lectures are:
Public Speaking & Group Dynamics, Introduction to Drama and Drama/Theatre Production
Her mission in life has always been to promote better opportunities for the people in our community. But her most important mission in life is to let the world know that God is real and that God is awesome.
Dorothy Richardson was born and raised on St. Maarten. She has a wealth of experience dealing with people. Her amiable and humorous disposition enables her to motivate people to maximize their potentials.
As a professional, she has served her community with distinction, from a kindergarten teacher to a university lecturer. She is convinced that with the proper education, all can be empowered to become more productive citizens.
Sint Maarten is in dire need of representatives of integrity, who are competent, knowledgeable and compassionate such as Dorothy Richardson. Throughout her career, Dorothy has led groups where she was able to develop skills in communication, planning, coordination, organization, and delegation in order to achieve her objectives effectively.
It is essential for her to utilize her creative abilities in her future career as a parliamentarian. She achieves the greatest satisfaction from using her artistic talent and flair and would like to put this into full effect by working for you the people of Sint Maarten. Ms. Dorothy Richardson is blessed with all these attributes and deserves your support. Her philosophy is, "Everybody is Somebody," whereby all citizens deserve to be acknowledged and recognized within our community.
NA Press Release