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Open House St. Maarten Academy PSVE.

psveopenhouse13032015PHILIPSBURG:---  St. Maarten Academy PSVE, an institution that empowers and equip students with a foundation in academic, technical and life skills, had its first Open House on Thursday March 12th 2015.
The Open House was for all parents of students who are preparing to write the upcoming Foundation Based Education (FBE) examinations and for everybody else who was interested to get more information about the school.
The Open House started at 6 pm with an official part where the Principal Mrs. Solange J. Duncan welcomed everybody, introduced her management team Ms. Monique Beek, Mrs. Barbara Enjingiri- Cocks, Ms. Ramonda Hanze, Mrs. Michelle Richardson, her teaching staff and administration staff.
The Curriculum for the Basis Vorming classes (form 1+2) was introduced and explained to the parents, while the subjects for Form 3+4 with specialization in Administration and Commerce were also mentioned. All present were able to follow the information through the they received brochure.
After the official part, the tour for the parents started: the parents were able to have a taste of the different sections: Technical Science, Care, Physical Education, Cultural + Artistic Formation, Math, the different languages, Student Care Department and the Library. From each subject the parents received information and were able to see some performances and/or get a little taste of what the students will be learning.
During this event there were around 40 parents and students attending
The school put their utmost best to present a good program, decorate the school and gave everybody a warm welcome.
For more information about the St. Maarten Academy P.S.V.E please contact the school at telephone number (+1721) 5484821. You can also visit the school to get more information.

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