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Majority in Parliament says that Council of Ministers trying to confuse population --- Decision already taken by Governor.

coliation18102015PHILIPSBURG:--- The eight Members of Parliament that now has the majority in Parliament told members of the media that the Governor of St. Maarten already made a clear decision on the current political situation. Leader of the National Alliance MP William Marlin said that the Governor Eugene Holiday clearly informed the Council of Ministers situation in 2013 is the same as the current situation because there is a majority in Parliament that are ready to form a government.
Marlin said the Governor told the Council of Ministers that the constitution of St. Maarten especially article 33 is very clear. Marlin said the Governor also indicated to the Gumbs cabinet that they became a caretaker government the moment they got the vote of no confidence on September 30th 2015. Marlin said further indicated that the Governor also informed the Council of Ministers that they do not have the authority to write new Landsbesluit but instead take care of current affairs and he does not consider the dissolution of parliament a current affair. Marlin said that the Gumbs cabinet does not agree with the Governor and thus they have placed him in a corner by acting “pig-headily” by throwing stones at the Governor.
Marlin said had the Gumbs cabinet respected the decision of the Governor and the constitution of Country St. Maarten then the in-coming cabinet could have been sworn in by Monday.
Marlin said because of the stance the Gumbs cabinet has taken the Governor had to ask three judges to clearly define at least three articles of the country’s constitution in order for him to execute the decision he took.
Marlin also attacked statements made by Member of Parliament Franklin Meyers who said that the National Alliance namely “William Marlin” is a hypocrite because just some months ago he wanted to crucify MP Maurice Lake while he was a Minister but today has formed a government with him. Marlin said that almost every politician had their disagreements but when the time comes to serving the people the politicians would normally put their differences aside and work together. Marlin said in 2009 now MP Theodore Heyliger jumped ship from the Democratic Party and formed a government with the National Alliance where they signed their governing accord at Emilio Wilson Park. Marlin said ever since Heyliger took office they did not agree but they managed to work together to bring home the new status for St. Maarten and purchase the Emilio Wilson Estate. Marlin further stated that Heyliger abandoned that Government and formed his own party to contest the 2010 elections. He said just recently after the motion of no confidence was passed in parliament on September 30th the UPP Members of Parliament contacted at least three persons in the new coalition to form a government with them, namely MP Maurice Lake, MP Sarah Wescot Williams and himself the leader of the National Alliance.
The National Alliance leader then further explained that it is ship jumping that placed Marcel Gumbs and others in government and if they were so concerned about the ship jumping then one would have seen it in their governing accord.
Marlin also criticized the Minister of Justice for the spate of shooting that are taking place on St. Maarten. Marlin said that the Minister of Justice had to report to parliament last week to outline his plan on how he intend to combat the crime rate on St. Maarten.

MP Frans Gumbs called on media to properly inform the people --- says judge from the constitutional court advices Gumbs cabinet.

MP Frans Richardson in his address said that a number of legal minds render their opinion on article 33-2 of the country’s constitution. He said even local experts have been giving their opinion on the said article and it is for him very unfortunate that the people of St. Maarten are not given the correct information on the country’s constitution. MP Richardson said upon listening to the people it is clear that they are being misguided by the information they are given, thus he felt that the media has a very important role to play by printing accurate information in order to educate the population.
MP Richardson further stated that he read somewhere in the media that one of the judges of the constitutional court have been advising government. Therefore he in particular will be looking at how this particular judge would tell the governor. MP Richardson said he is aware of the discussions where it is alleged that Judge Bob Wit have been advising the Gumbs cabinet and thus he is bring that information to the people of St. Maarten.
MP Richardson further stated that it’s been 19 days since the motion of no confidence was passed in parliament and semantics are being used to drag on the process.
Leader of Democratic Party and now Chairlady of Parliament also explained what was in the letter that MP Franklin Meyers gave to at least one talk show host. She called on that person to explain the people of St. Maarten what is in that letter because what is in that letter is what the Governor outlined recently. Wescot Williams said that while crime is escalating on St. Maarten the care taker Minister of Justice who had to report to Parliament last week to lay out the plan he has in place to fight crime but the Minister chose not to report to Parliament while his staff did. Wescot Williams said the night before the meeting Members of Parliament got a copy of the plan. Wescot Williams said that the Minister informed Parliament that he could not attend the meeting of parliament due to the silent protest held in front of the Government Building. Wescot Williams made clear that the caretaker Minister does not have his office at the Government Building. She said that the only issue she has with the motion of no confidence given to the Gumbs cabinet is that took too long before it finally happened. “If that could have been done by one Member of Parliament that motion would have been presented a long time. There is too much disrespect shown to the Parliament of St. Maarten.
Wescot Williams said that what MP Cornelius de Weever did last week has placed a blemish on the Parliament of St. Maarten. She said that now she has been appointed as Chairperson of Parliament they majority of Parliament intends to call a meeting sometime next week to debate the dissolution of Parliament.
MP Maurice Lake who was also at the press conference on Sunday afternoon said sometime next week he will call a press conference where he will explain the people of St. Maarten his reasons for pulling his support from the UPP led government.

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