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MP Lake calls for Energy Policy to be put into action.

mauricelake29072015PHILIPSBURG:---- “We need to step up to the plate now and start practicing what we preach in our National Energy Policy. We are two steps behind because of the constant changes in Government and GEBE's sense of direction and leadership,” says independent Member of Parliament Maurice Lake.
“One of my priorities of supporting this Coalition of Eight is finalizing the Waste-to-Energy Project to address the huge landfill situation, and recycling of garbage. We need to make firm decisions in the best interest of the country as the Coalition of Eight has already started to do with the Government Building on Pond Island, the new Hospital,” he said.
“Waste to Energy is a high priority for this coalition government. As the former Minister of VROMI who established the Energy Policy in 2014, I would like to state that the wishes of the stakeholders including GEBE for St. Maarten were included,” he said.
Lake thanks Ricardo Perez and other residents for always writing about alternative energy. “GEBE has to concentrate on replacing its water and electricity meters in order to do net metering remotely, especially for persons that have invested into solar. We can get some good ideas on how Aqua Electra in Curacao and Aruba addresses the aforementioned. No need to reinvent the wheel.”
“We need to start focusing on keeping the island green and clean for the residents and tourist alike if we are serious about our goal of 35 percent clean energy in the near future. We need to get off the ground and can get off the ground with everyone's input and cooperation. Government needs to hit the ground running with the Waste to Energy project for the people of St. Maarten,” Lake said.
“The Solar park project on Pond Island should also get off the ground by issuing the requested land in long lease to GEBE. Studies and plans are in place to move forward rapidly with this project. It will create employment in the initial stage. People need work,” said Lake.
The MP said, “We also need to start educating the public about Recycling which is going to take some time, but we have to start recycling now by separating the bottles, plastics etc. in order to produce a cleaner environment. Right now. The different districts need to be clean up from loose plastic bags and garbage and broken signs and Government can address‎ it through the tendering of District Cleaning Contracts for the small local entrepreneurs. Through the tendering of these 13 parcels contracts the boys can take pride of beautifying and keeping their districts clean.”
Government needs to put up signs saying keep our island clean and placing garbage bins in strategic places around the country, Lake said.

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