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Where is the Independence Members of Parliament from the UPP constantly talks about?

Instead of working for their salaries they chose to support the Politicians of the Netherlands that are hell bent on bringing St. Maarten on its knees.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Members of Parliament that are now sitting in the opposition benches of Parliament should tell the people of St. Maarten where is the Independence they have been talking about. Most of these politicians who many believe have a mind of their own and would work in the interest of the country basically betrayed the country and the people that voted for them during the 2014 parliamentary elections.
On Wednesday when the MPs that are sitting on the opposition benches walked into the house of Parliament they refused to give the current coalition a quorum so they could continue with the people’s business and pass the 2016 budget in order to keep the politicians in the Netherlands in their own country.
It is clear that the Attorney General who said openly that everyone on St. Maarten are corrupt planned the arrest of MP Silvio Matser in such a way to put the country on its knees if there is no approved budget for the year 2016, something St. Maarten did not have for years.
The current Minister of Finance did his best to comply with every rule and produced a lean and mean budget and already got indications that the CFT will approve the budget if certain things were added to it. Since the Netherlands will not have their way if St. Maarten pays off its debts as instructed and produced a balanced budget for three consecutive years then the CFT board that was installed by the Netherlands would have to take marching orders so that St. Maarten could establish its own CFT board. That of course seems too good for a young country so in order to ensure the Netherlands have the last word they chose to destabilize the government since they know the politicians on St. Maarten are divided and selfish.
Many of the UPP MP’s said openly that they preferred independence, during the parliament meetings on the establishment of the integrity chamber Member of Parliament Franklin Meyers said he preferred to die standing rather than living on his knees. One would expect that at least MP Meyers would have step up to the plate and represent and protect the people that elected him instead of rejoicing over the arrests of one of his colleagues.
The office of the Attorney General said a number of times on Wednesday that more house searches and arrests should not be excluded from the Octopus investigation, so while some of the MP's are rejoicing, they should all be prepared to see at whose doors would the detectives will show up next.

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