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Christian Party presents draft Manifesto to the Public.

smcpboard22032016Great Bay:--- The Sint Maarten Christian Party is inviting the general public to the presentation of its draft Manifesto on Tuesday, April 5th 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Belair Center in Cay Hill.
This presentation will give insight to the problems and issues that the Sint Maarten Christian Party will be addressing once in government. We also would like to hear your concerns for our country and your suggestions as to how to deal with them. This presentation promises to be a very informative session yet one where the audience will be given ample opportunity to have their say.
Party Leader, Wycliffe Smith said that “it is the first time in Sint Maarten that a political party's manifesto is being discussed with the general public prior to its official release”. He said that this is in keeping with the party's guiding principles of transparency, openness and participation by the people. The party is of the opinion that the people of Sint Maarten should be heard when plans are being made for their future and the destiny of the country. The motto of the SMCP is "Serving You for a Change". Hearing your views and listening to your suggestions is our way of serving you and reaching out to you for your input in helping to change government and our society for the better, the party leader said.
Those who would like more information about the St. Maarten Christian Party can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Mr. Benjamin Bell (Secretary) at 522-5803.

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