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Former Chairman of USZV Dr. Michel Petit filed official complaint against USZV director.

glenmichel24082016PHILIPSBURG:--- The former chairman of the Supervisory Board of Directors of USZV Dr. Michel Petit filed an official complaint with the Attorney General’s Office of St. Maarten and Curacao as well as with the Prosecutor’s Office of St. MaartenIt against the USZV director Glen Carty. It should be noted that while the director USZV is signing agreements on behalf of USZV  he is not in possession of performance contract, and only recently he obtained a Landsbesluit that was signed by the governor retroactive 2014. 
When contacted by SMN News for confirmation Dr. Michel Petit confirmed that an official complaint was filed with the two entities for the mismanagement of the AOV funds. Dr. Petit also said he asked the two legal entities to start an immediate investigation since it’s a large amount of funds that is being mismanaged by USZV director Glen Carty which could jeopardize the solvency of the old pension.
Asked why he chose to do this now and not before Dr. Petit said that he has been following the developments surrounding the government administration building and the amount of monies that are being invested while there is no purchase agreement between government and USZV in place.
Dr. Petit further stated that only on August 6th, 2016, the Minister of Health and Labor reported to the media that the tender evaluation was officially signed off, while he also made statements to the media that he  met with the Ministers in the Netherlands who were willing to lone St. Maarten monies to construct the new hospital. In those very media reports, Dr. Petit said the Minister was quoted as saying that this project would have saved St. Maarten a lot of monies.
Asked by SMN News why he or the Supervisory Board did not meet with the Minister to express their concerns, Dr. Petit said that while the Minister of Health said he met with him three times, he should consider himself lucky because the Supervisory Board of Directors does not have to meet with the Ministers. He said the board’s obligation is to advise the Minister, and that is clearly stipulated in the bylaws.
As for the positions has to be filled on the Supervisory Board, Dr. Petit said that the board submitted six names to the former Minister of Health Cornelius de Weever who did not appoint any of those persons. He said that the SOBD of USZV also submitted six names to the current Minister of VSA and the Minister felt that those persons were not qualified  for the position even though he was not part of the committee that interviewed or vetted the candidates. Dr. Petit also said that the SBOD does not have to give the Minister the names of the people that applied for the vacant positions, instead they are the ones that are responsible for the selection of the candidates and then submit an advice to the Minister of VSA for him to make the appointments.He made clear that the SOBD has to submit two candidates for each vacant position to the Minister.


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