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Man seriously ill-treated.

atillidgerdilltreatment14112017A.T. ILLIDGE ROAD:--- Detectives are presently investigating a case of ill-treatment which took place on Monday, November 13th at approximately 06.15 p.m. in the vicinity of Lucky Star Supermarket located on the A. Th. Illidge road. Police was sent to the scene to investigate what had taken place. On the scene, the investigating officers learned from the victim that he was beaten by a person he does not know. This person seriously ill-treated him by pushing his head through the rear windshield of a vehicle causing him to receive cuts and bruises to his head and face from which he was bleeding. The victim was treated on the scene by paramedics and then transported to the Sint Maarten Medical Center for further treatment. The reason why this ill-treatment took place is under investigation.

Council of Police Chiefs meet on Sint Maarten.

rboasmanwithpolicechiefs14112017PHILIPSBURG:--- On Tuesday, November 14th the Police Chiefs of Curacao, Caribisch Nederland, Sint Maarten and the Acting Chief of Police of the Netherlands met with the Honorable Minister of Justice Rafael Boasman in the Conference Hall of the Government Administration Building on Pond Island. Also present during this meeting was the Chief Prosecutor for Sint Maarten. The Minister of Justice was very happy to receive the delegation where he expressed his sincere gratitude to all police chiefs in question for their support they have given to the KPSM and the people of Sint Maarten in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. This support has been and is still very necessary essential in bringing back the sense of safety and security to the community of Sint Maarten. The Minister also stated that he was happy to have witnessed the great working relationship between the police officers from the Curacao, Aruba, Caribisch Nederland and the National Police of the Netherlands and look forward in their continued support as country Sint Maarten continue to rebuild.

KPSM Press Release

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