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Control Unit asking public to cooperate.

GREAT BAY:--- The Control Unit of the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic & Telecommunications (TEATT) is asking public transportation drivers to adhere to the Public Transportation Ordinance, and have all their paperwork in order during controls to avoid unnecessary problems as was encountered during a control on Thursday, January 18, 2018. Those found to be in violation can be fined as well as have administrative action taken via the Minister of TEATT, which can result in permit suspension or revocation.
Last week during a general control in Philipsburg on public transportation, the officers of the Control Unit stopped a public bus on Back Street, which was not displaying a government-issued license plate. The bus number printed on a sheet of white paper was displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle. When the officers of the Control Unit requested the necessary documentation from the male driver, he was unable to provide a driver’s license, he did not have a permit issued by the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic & Telecommunication to operate a public bus, the motor vehicle inspection of the vehicle was expired and upon further inspection of the bus it was found not to be in good working condition.
“As acting Minister of TEATT I am kindly asking the community to please adhere to the laws of the land and make sure all your paperwork is in order,” said Minister De Weever.
As a result of the inspection, the driver was instructed to report to the main office of the department immediately, as the driver was not the owner of the vehicle, and a decision was taken by management in the interest of public safety and order to remove the vehicle from the road and contact the owner. The decision to do this made the driver very upset and he became aggressive, verbally abusive, and threatened the officer with physical abuse. At this point, the officer requested assistance from fellow officers to resolve the situation.
The driver of the bus will be issued a fine for violations of the Public Transportation Ordinance, Public Transportation Decree, Traffic Ordinance and National Ordinance on the inspection of motor vehicles. The Ministry takes a zero-tolerance approach to operators and permit holders in public transportation acting in an aggressive and disrespectful manner when law enforcement officers and civil servants, in general, uphold the law in carrying out their duties.
It is important to note that public servants are there to ensure the safety of everyone on the road as public transportation is part of general traffic. The Inspectorate of TEATT under which Control Unit falls strongly advises all public transportation operators and permit holders to fully cooperate with officers carrying out their lawful duties.

Press Release from the Ministry of TEATT

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