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Ministry Of VSA offers persons impacted by Irma with temporary housing alternative

Minister Lee inspects Temporary Emergency Housing with Dr. J Foundation

PHILIPSBURG:--- Last week, the Minister of Public Health, Emil Lee announced the commencement of an Emergency Transitional Housing Program to be managed in by the Dr. J. Foundation. Minister Lee recently took a tour of the facility together with Dr. Judith Arndell to inspect the progress of the renovations currently taking place. Inspections by VROMI and Fire Department are slated to take place this week. The location will come move in ready, fully renovated and furnished with the basic necessities for living and office space for assisting resident to transition back to the community.
"Due to the fact that no emergency housing solutions have been finalized, the Ministry of VSA embarked on a quest to find a solution. On a daily basis we witness the challenges faced by persons wanting to get back up on their feet but cannot do so due to lack of stability, a simple decent night's rest. I am proud that we were able to step out of 'our role' and offer solutions to our community members most in need of our support at this time." - Emil Lee, Minister VSA

With almost six (6) months after the passing of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, many persons are still homeless and in need of various types of support. This program is one of the many that the Ministry will be carrying out in order to assist those most in need of adequate accommodations, professional guidance, stability and a plan to transition back to ‘normalcy’. The program will be housed in Sucker Garden and will be able to accommodate 80 persons at a time.

The program offers a temporary solution with the aim to assist persons towards regaining their independence and help them transition back to their community within a period of 3-6 months. The Dr. J. Foundation will offer residents at the housing program; counseling, assistance with finding new permanent homes, financial guidance; budgeting and saving methods, assistance with sourcing employment opportunities and more.

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