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Rules implemented to ensure smooth and professional flow of competition and live broadcast.

Philipsburg:--With the 2009 Senior Calypso finals being held this Monday evening in the Festival Village, the event organizers have announced the new judging system taught during the Calypso judging workshop, judging criteria and rules for the competition.
The merit judging system will be used based on an aggregate scoring method. The aggregate scoring method means that the highest and lowest judge's score for each calypsonian will be taken out of the results. "The main purpose of this system is to remove any bias on the part of a judge who may personally favor one calypsonian more over the others and attempt to score that calypsonian unfairly high or a judge who may have a grudge and attempt to score a performer unfairly low"; explained Eric "Pink Panther" Taylor during the calypso judging workshops. Once the aggregate scores are totaled, the calypsonians will be ranked in order of placement with 1 being the highest and 11 the lowest. This is the merit system where based on placement again the highest and lowest placement number is taken out. The calypsonian with the highest placement is then declared the winner. This system also easily facilitates the breaking of any ties.
Calypsonians will be judged based on the following criteria:
Lyrics 30 points at which judges will be looking at development & depth of ideas, structure, narrative, coherence & organization.
Melody 30 points for basic melody, compatibility with chosen theme and use of rhytmn.
Rendition 20 points for clarity of diction, articulation, voice quality and tonal pitch
Presentation 10 for stage presentation and performance
Originality 10 points for originality & treatment of theme and creativity.
In addition to the new judging system and criteria, several rules have been agreed upon in discussion with the calypsonians to ensure a smooth and professional flow of the live broadcast of the competition. Some of the rules include:
Each Calypsonian is being allotted 10 minutes for his entire presentation of opening skit and song.
Considering that the commentators will be broadcasting live backstage, it is important that there is minimum shouting/noise backstage.
Each Calypsonian is required to inform the organizing committee before the night of the show of the amount of persons who will be accompanying/supporting them on stage as part of their skit and for their performance. In addition, no one will be allowed to the side of the stage. A tent will be set up backstage for the supporting cast of calypsonians. Only the performing calypsonian and their supporting actors are allowed on the stage. Anyone that is functioning as a supporting cast for the calypsonians and wishing to see the other calypsonians' performances should do this from in the crowd. Absolutely no one will be allowed around the backstage area peeping out or standing looking at the performance to the side on stage.
With the calypsonians having been briefed on the new judging system during the judge's workshop, criteria and rules, the organizing committee is looking forward to a professional competition and live broad.

Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x


Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x