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Mid Isle Aid the Diabetes foundation of St. Maarten.

rotary20122018PHILIPSBURG:--- In the Rotary family, the focus for the month of December is Disease Prevention and Treatment, hence the Diabetes foundation (DFS) bus is now back on the road after being damaged by Hurricane Irma thanks to The Rotary Club of St. Maarten-Mid Isle.
With the funds raised at the Heineken Regatta, Mid Isle was able to have the DFS bus repaired and back on the road. A check was also presented to President Lottie Peterson to help in purchasing items needed for their weekly testing’s.
The Diabetes Foundation of St. Maarten is a non-profit organization established with the aims of creating awareness for diabetes among the general population. Every Saturday the DFS can be found at a location on the island offering free glucose and blood pressure testing to the public. On occasions, cholesterol check-ups are also offered.
In offering free testing to the public the DFS hopes to find people with pre-diabetes, undiagnosed diabetes, or uncontrolled diabetes so that these persons can be referred to their general practitioner for further testing, therapy, and guidance.
President Lottie Petersen and Vice President Amanda Wever visited Mid Isle to inform them about type 1 Diabetes. Type 1 diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy. Different factors, including genetics and some viruses, may contribute to type 1 diabetes. Although type 1 diabetes usually appears during childhood or adolescence, it can develop in adults. Despite active research, type 1 diabetes has no cure. Treatment focuses on managing blood sugar levels with insulin, diet, and lifestyle to prevent complications.
Mid Isle Rotarians and partners in service took part in the DFS annual fundraising Walk-a-Thon on November 17th, where all the participants were encouraged to have their testing of Blood Pressure, Glucose, and Cholesterol done.

The Rotary Club of St. Maarten-Mid Isle meets Tuesday at 7 pm at Pineapple Pete in Simpson Bay. For more information please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our facebook page Rotary Club of St. Maarten-Mid Isle.

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