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Missing teenage girl, Found. (UPDATED)

angeliquerichardson27052019PHILIPSBURG:--- On Sunday, May 26th an official report was filed by Jennely Luidens of a missing teenage girl by the name of Angelique Richardson. J. Luidens is the legal guardian of Angelique who has gone missing since Saturday, May 25th. Angelique has not contacted anyone to let them know where she is or if she is fine.

The Juvenile and Morals Department is aware of this situation and is asking the community to assist in finding this young girl. The contact persons are J. Luidens cel: 526 -4322, Debby Rombley Cel: 587-3629, Police Department 54-22222 ext. 501/502 or the Emergency Line # 911.


The missing 15-year-old girl by the name of Angelique Richardson who was reported missing on Sunday, May 26th by Jennely Luidens was found safe and in good health on Monday morning May 27th. She was brought to the Police Head Quarters in Philipsburg for the Youth and Morals Department to conduct their investigation. The Police Department is taking this opportunity to thank the community who assisted in sharing this information on Social Media.


KPSM Press Release.

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