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Minister Irion to upgrade sports facilities.

sportsfacilities08012020Irion is working closely with SMMC, SZV, and stakeholders to realize the project.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Acting Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Ardwell Irion, together with the SMMC, SZV, government representatives, and other stakeholders, have tackled the need to upgrade the ‘sports district’ of Cay Hill, primarily the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex. The discussions for the long-overdue upgrade of Raoul Illidge’s facilities have been successful and in the coming days, Minister Irion will be sitting with SMMC, SZV and other stakeholders to finalize the plans in preparation for execution.

The plan is that SMMC will be able to use a parcel of land at Raoul Illidge Sports Complex as parking for SMMC patients, visitors and staff while the new hospital is being constructed. SZV and SMMC will work together with government and other stakeholders to make sure the upgrade of Raoul Illidge’s facilities and accessibility becomes a reality. This investment will, therefore, go towards multi-functional sports facilities that the youth and athletes on St. Maarten have been lacking.

Over the years, St. Maarten has been able to foster many enthusiastic and successful young athletes but has been challenged in training them to a high degree, in part due to inadequate public facilities. The health and wellness within the community have also become a bigger priority; poor prevention efforts result in increasing cases of urgent medical interventions.

“Being active in a sport as a young person has countless benefits, the same goes for simpler forms of exercise such as taking long walks. At present, there are more boundaries than incentives to maintain personal fitness, mental health or excel in a sport. These upgrades will benefit everyone in the community, all ages and interests. Most importantly, the upgrades will come with the ease of access and lower costs, thus reducing the current boundaries.” - Acting Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, Ardwell Irion

Other points of discussion, yet to be formalized, include the granting of land to the SZV to build a permanent office. “The idea is that by government granting SZV the land to build, government’s debt to SZV will be re-evaluated and reduced”, said Acting Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, Ardwell Irion. In addition, this would significantly reduce operational costs of housing for SZV. The current office location of SZV no longer meets the capacity demands of its clientele. With obstacles such as special-needs accessibility, congested waiting rooms, and parking, a new SZV office space is necessary for the flow of day-to-day operations.

In addition to its administrative office, the new SZV building could facilitate the vision of a future wellness center. This is a concept that SZV has said to be willing to explore together with its community stakeholders and government. The center could be a much needed “healthy alternative” in our community, accessible for all and facilitating the foundation for education and resources to support the healthy lifestyle choices of residents.

This central location of a professional sports complex, the new hospital, and the SZV will improve access, affordability to care and the quality of life for residents. The minister envisions this area as a future wellness area adding to the hospital, dentist, optician, and lab. He also anticipates a shift to more preventative healthcare as opposed to only taking care of the sick.

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