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St.Maarten Heart and Stroke Foundation “Wear Red Day” event held on Friday February 7th, 2020 was filled to capacity. There were over 280 persons in attendance.

redevent11022020PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Heart and Stroke Foundation teamed up with Motorworld and SMMC to host the first “Wear Red Day” awareness campaign. In the U.S. and other countries, the month of February is designated as heart disease awareness month. This years’ focus for the foundation was “Heart disease in Women". Women from all age groups were present and they sure came out in lovely shades of red. Dr. Bird-Lake, local cardiologist and SMHSF Medical Advisor, the first word in the opening of the Mini-symposium was “Wow". There were several informative presentations given. Dr. Tasika Bell, family practitioner, “Life’s simple 7 to keep your heart healthy.
Dr. Marjorie Boulogne Abraham, the cardiologist from French Saint Martin, spoke about “The specificities of cardiovascular disease by women”. Dr. Emiko Bird-Lake, cardiologist SMMC, spoke about “Diagnostic test and imaging” and two psychologists Caroline van Oost en Sanne Gruijters spoke about “How to mind your heart, a psychological perspective.

The MC for the evening was lovely Dorothy Richardson a.k. a. “Rosa”. Her spectacular humor made the event fulfilling and attentive.
There was poetry by the very talented Magueda Jackson. Artwork done by our local artists Leola Cotton and Magueda Jackson were displayed for sale for fundraising purposes. Part of the proceeds will be contributed to the SMHSF.

A total of seven courageous women with a history of heart disease graced the stage with their testimonials of their life-changing event and their journey since then.
The ages ranged from 11 to 82 years old and they took the moment to break their silence as they walked down the red carpet to the stage. They spoke words of encouragement to the public as they stood proud of revealing their scars.

A vehicle for fundraising was unveiled during this event courtesy of Motorworld.
Tickets are sold for only $10.00 and are available at Motorworld Showroom and from SMHSF board members. This fundraising will be used for more awareness and prevention campaigns with the ultimate goal to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease within the community of Sint Maarten/ Saint Martin and support survivors of heart disease and stroke for specific needs. Our future endeavors is to do and support academic research about the cardiovascular disease on the island.

SMHSF would like to sincerely thank the community and all the sponsors who have helped to make this event a wonderful success. Our elected persons who were in attendance. MP Sarah Wescott Williams, Minister Jurendy Doran, MP Anna Richardson, and Ms. Angelique Roomou.

Special thanks to all sponsors and volunteers who have assisted us during this amazing event. We know that this event has made an impact on those who have participated but especially on those who have attended. Thank you for helping us save lives. Thank you for your support.

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