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Prime Minister & Chair of the EOC Silveria Jacobs Updates on COVID-19 Developments for April 23, 2020.

silly07032020PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister and Chair of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Silveria Jacobs hereby updates the general public for today, Thursday, April 23, 2020, as part of the process to keep the community of St. Maarten informed about the latest developments and the Government’s COVID-19 containment, mitigation and response measures. 

There are no COVID-19 updates for today, as Government is awaiting lab results from the St. Maarten Laboratory Services which had to be sent to Institute Pasteur in Guadeloupe. However, I can update that as of today, April 23rd, 2020, the St. Maarten Medical Centre (SMMC) has 8 COVID-19 suspected patients admitted. Of the eight patients, two are dialysis patients who have been transferred to the Mobile Medical Pavilion, one has been admitted to the ICU tent and the other five remain at SMMC. Five persons are also currently isolated at our isolation facility and 22 persons currently recovering at home.

CPS Head Eva Lista-de Weever and Dr. Raissa Tjon-Kon-Fat were featured on Prime Minister Talks today as well and disseminated information to the general public. CPS will continue to weekly update the public in a live interview on St. Maarten Government Radio 107.9 FM and Government’s Facebook page.

Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs held a fruitful four-country ministerial consultation together with the Minister of Justice Anna Richardson and Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion pertaining to the plan of action in regard to border control and security. Minister Richardson is currently preparing the necessary plans in order to secure our borders. Additionally, the Joint Regulation on Border Control agreements have been extended until December 2020, and discussions pertaining to a further extension will continue throughout this period. Lastly, discussions were also had concerning further developments and training of our customs officers.

This afternoon, a four-country ministerial consultation on an administrative level was also held with State Secretary of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations Raymond Knops to discuss the COVID -19 developments and measures implemented. Prime Minister Jacobs shared the status of the St. Maarten Medical Centre in regard to COVID-19. Epidemiological reports were shared between all countries in the consultation, as well as measures to be implemented by each respective country where it pertains to financing and restarting the economy. Also discussed, were de-escalation measures and current measures that the countries will be implemented to secure the social and economic welfare of persons.

The countries also shared their various stimulus plans. In addition, St. Maarten provided clarity in regard to the liquidity support 2019 received, and the pending liquidity support to deal with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. State Secretary Knops reassured of the Dutch pledge to support the Caribbean countries in the Dutch Kingdom and is awaiting the CFT advice on St. Maarten’s Stimulus and Relief Plan financing request, which is expected in time for a decision at the Kingdom Council of Ministers meeting of May 1st, 2020. State Secretary Knops also stated that we continue to learn from each other as we face this pandemic together.

As St. Maarten moves further into the depths of the digital world, Prime Minister Jacobs urges both the community and businesses to accept the changes before us and begin to adapt to our new normal. This is the only way to keep a calm head during this pandemic. “It is very important to remain indoors, join an exercise group online, or start one within your family or friend circle. You can also start a book club, take up sewing, bookkeeping, or take time to learn or develop a skill you’ve always wanted to master. Continue practicing proper hygiene and boosting your immune system.

COVID-19 was unexpected, however, just like all the other challenges St. Maarten has overcome, this too shall pass, and we will have been stronger for the experience. Every storm has its silver lining, and I challenged each and every citizen to find and highlight one good thing that has come out of this period of quarantining ourselves at home. Remember that those front liners have no choice, they must work to save US, protect US, care for US, and provide essential service for US. Let us help them to help us by staying at home, and only going out if it really cannot be avoided.

God bless St. Maarten and her people as we work together; Government, community, and each and every St. Maarten resident, to keep her safe,” concluded Prime Minister Jacobs.”

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