PHILIPSBURG:--- It is evident that nothing stands in the way of the Lions Club of Sint Maarten in rendering humanitarian service to the community of Sint Maarten.
Due to the COVID, 19 pandemic Lions have not been able to raise the necessary funds to execute pending community projects. This, however, did not withhold them from showing their appreciation and honoring those who during these difficult times continue to go beyond the call of duty to give humanitarian service to others.
On Friday last, no matter the circumstances, Lions were able to execute what they call a COVID Project. In looking at Front Line and Essential workers they selected the team at the St. Martin’s Home. This selection came about in the fact that management of the Home was able to put a plan in place to secure the safety of their clients by closing off all traffic to the property. Also in particular that the staff of the District Nurses of the White & Yellow Cross Foundation continued to visit the shut-ins and sick patients at home during these challenging times.
As such the Lions gathered with management and staff of the St. Martin’s Home, the Sr. Basilia Center, and the District Nurses and treated them to deliciously prepared lunches and drinks. In this way showing their appreciation for the entire team of the White & Yellow Cross Foundation as the Lions and Leo Clubs’ Frontline and Essential Heroes.
On the occasion of Nurses’ Week, the staff was also treated with music by Mr. Rudolph (Rudy) Davis( drumming) and Mr. Isidore York on steel pan