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Minister of Justice visits the Police Headquarters.

annakpsm18052020PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday morning, May 18, 2020, the Minister of Justice Anna Richardson paid a visited the Philipsburg Police Headquarters.

The Minister, under the guidance of the chief Inspectors B. Gout and D. Baptist together with Head of Operations Glenda Pecht, got a firsthand opportunity to visit the police station in Philipsburg, the prison, dispatch center as well as other departments within the Headquarters.

As the new hurricane season is rapidly approaching the Minister assessed the progress made on the work being done to the station following the damages caused by the passing of category hurricane Irma back in 2017.

The visit was a success and the Minister was pleased with the overall progress and will be making more visits in the future to continue to assess the progress and continuous growth of the organization.

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