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SXM R&A Junior Golf Open 2020.

rajunior29072020PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday, July 27, 2020, the 16th Annual SXM R&A Junior Golf Open was held at Mullet Bay Golf Course. The competition was for girls and boys ages 7 to 14 consisting of two groups A and B. There was a turnout of 16 participants competing in three different categories which were a stroke play tournament, a chipping competition, and a putting competition. Trophies were awarded to the first and second-place finishers in each group in all three categories.
In Group A
Stroke play Daniel Hobgood won first place and Rio Stomp came second. In the chipping competition, Nubia Stomp won first place and Rio Stomp came second. In the putting competition, Daniel Hobgood won first place while Marshall Leone came second.
In Group B
Stroke play Malcolm Marshall won first place and Harrison Hobgood and Jacob Boxshall were tied for second. In the chipping competition, Harrison Hobgood won first place while Ninainiu Tinitali and Malcolm Marshall tied for second. In the putting competition, Ninainiu Tinitali won first place and Aden Stomp came second.
It was a wonderful day and lots of fun was had by all. Instructor Howard Hobgood thanked all the participants and thanked the sponsors who made the Open a possibility: R&A, St. Maarten Golf Association, Mullet Bay Golf Course, Domino's Pizza.
This was the conclusion to the Spring session of the St. Maarten Junior Golf Program where the players have been training three days a week since January. The classes will resume in September. If anyone is interested in joining the program which is free of charge, please sign up by calling 553-3290.

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