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Dutch still refuses entertain discussion on CRE, Knops blackmail continues.

PHILIPSBURG: --- Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs confirmed that the Dutch government still refuses to entertain any form of discussions on the law to establish the Caribbean Reform Entity (CRE). Jacobs said that the same goes for Curacao and Aruba. She said as soon as the Dutch government decides to reopen the discussion St. Maarten will be ready as they did send a number of changes to the law to ensure that this new entity does not trample on the autonomy of the countries. Jacobs said that St. Maarten has its legal advisors that are ready to resume the discussion with the Dutch government.
Jacobs explained that the State Secretary Raymond Knops and the Ministry of BZK refuse to discuss the CRE law, she said that very limited changes were allowed between Aruba, Curacao, and St. Maarten. Jacobs said that she was briefed as to what Curacao prepared but not what the Dutch government has agreed to since the changes are very much limited.
St. Maarten’s Prime Minister said that all three countries do not believe that the CRE needs for them to move forward however St. Maarten does not a list of programs and projects that government believes the focus should be placed on for the next 10 years. She said when and if the conversation resumes that is where St. Maarten will start off.

In relation to the Integrity Chamber Jacobs said that she did meet with them to see what their vision and plan are, however, the integrity chamber was supposed to start their educational process by informing the community and entities however that was also hampered due to COVID-19.
Jacobs said that the Integrity Chamber already indicated what laws or policies are missing while St. Maarten still has the right to seek information from the Integrity Chamber about a person’s integrity.

With regards to the bond issue that was suspended Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion remains steadfast with his position on the error, the CFT made with the bond issue. Irion said that only today October 21st the State Secretary Knops sent a letter to the CFT requesting advice and clarity on the statements they made regarding the bond issue.
Irion said St. Maarten did not violate the RFT law and that he sought legal advice which was sent to the State Secretary and the Parliament of St. Maarten for their perusal.
Ardwell further explained that it was because of the legal advice he sent to the State Secretary he reacted by seeking advice. The Minister said it would have been better if the CFT and the State Secretary had reached out to St. Maarten prior to making erroneous statements.
The Finance Minister said that the refinancing of one of the bonds will take place today on October 21st. He said the reason he had to suspend the floating of the bond was that he was not given an option. The State Secretary he said basically told him it's either he suspends the bond or being denied the refinancing the other bond. He said he received a letter on October 16th basically saying to suspend or risk a default of the bond that was maturing today.
Clearly, State Secretary Raymond Knops continues to blackmail St. Maarten in order to get his government’s way before St. Maarten can obtain financial assistance to cope with COVID-19.

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