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Re- Confinement ordered for France as of Friday October 30th to December 1st – President Macron.

emmanuelmacron13042020Paris France:--- French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Friday that France will enter into another phase of re-confinement from Friday, October 30th to December 1st, 2020 as the country battle to bring COVID-19 under control. The overseas territories such as St. Martin is not part of the re-confinement.

President Macron in his address to the nation said “I know how tired it is. I know the ′′ never-ending day ′′ impression that many are sharing tonight as new measures were announced. This time is difficult, it tests our unity, feels us. But we must stand together and be supportive.”

The coronavirus is circulating at a speed that even the most pessimistic forecast did not anticipate. France will never let hundreds of thousands of its citizens die, the President assured.

That is why starting Friday and until December 1st minimum, the whole country will be re-confined, with adaptations for the overseas departments and territories alone.

Just like springtime:
→ Travel will be limited, with a certificate, only to work, get to a medical appointment, assist a loved one, shop, or air near your home.
→ Private meetings outside the family core, public gatherings, and trips between regions will be excluded, except for All Saint s' Holiday returns, i.e. until Sunday.
→ Businesses defined as non-essentials and establishments receiving from the public, such as bars and restaurants, will be closed.
→ The state will continue to provide a massive aid to small enterprises impacted by taking over their turnover losses up to 000 10 a month. Employees and employers will continue to receive partial unemployment. Cash measures for expenses and rents will be planned. A special plan will be announced for freelancers, merchants, very small and medium-sized enterprises that are dreading more than anything next few weeks.

But we learned the lessons from the first wave and some rules will evolve:
→ Daycare, schools, colleges, and high schools will remain open with enhanced health protocols. Universities and higher education institutions will, unlike online courses.
→ The work will be able to continue. Wherever possible, telework will be widespread. Utility windows will remain open. Factories, farms, and construction will continue to work.
→ Visits to EHPAD and nursing homes will be allowed this time in strict compliance with the health rules. I also wish people with disabilities could benefit from the flexibility they need.
→ In this time marked by Toussaint, the cemeteries will remain open.

I trust in you. We will hold together thanks to each other's sense of responsibility. Success depends on the civic of each and every one of us.
We will rise up if we stand together and supportive: we will make it!

No Additional Measures for St. Martin--- Prefecture St. Martin.

President Emmanuel Macron has just announced the establishment of a second lockdown throughout the national territory. The aim of this one is to stem the spread of the COVID-19. outbreak. Overseas Prefets can arrange these measures in accordance with local situations.

Since the beginning of March, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy have confirmed 566 and 83 respectively; 10 people have died. On the week of October 19 to October 25, an additional 25 cases were registered in Saint-Martin and 6 in Saint-Barthélemy. Incidence rates (the number of people positive for covid-19 per 100 inhabitants) and positivity rates (number of people positive for COVID-19 on number of tests carried out in one week) have decreased compared to previous weeks but are, for Saint-Martin, still above the warning threshold.

Two people are currently being hospitalized at the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital Center and health evacuations take place every week towards the CHU of Guadeloupe and Martinique. More than ever efforts must be continued.

Given the health situation and the proximity to the tourist season, Sylvie FEUCHER, Prefette of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin, has decided, for the moment, not to take any further measures.

Those already in place remain in effect:

• Drink rates and restaurants close at midnight;
• group gatherings of more than 6 people are prohibited on the public road;
• rallies of more than 6 people in institutions receiving from the public must be declared in Prefecture;
• wearing mask is mandatory in all establishments receiving the public and on the busiest streets;
• establishments receiving from the public must enforce the 4 m2 per person rule;
• restaurants can continue to welcome customers without exceeding 6 people per table, wearing a mask is mandatory for staff and traveling customers, and all customers must be seated.

The entire population is urged to avoid private events and to measure the issues of poor individual behaviors for the island's economic future.

The permanent objective pursued by the Prefecture since the beginning of the crisis is to master the epidemic, the success of the tourism season, and restart of the local economy. Without a strong and supportive involvement of all of us, the virus will continue its circulation and develop. Despite repeated calls for individual responsibility from the Prefecture and health authorities, parties were held on the island's beaches last weekend; some establishments continue to fail to comply with the essential rules followed by the majority; they endanger the health situation. These irresponsible behaviors must stop. Administrative procedures are underway to close concerned establishments.

Every citizen of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy has in his hands the responsibility and the opportunity to contain the epidemic by continuing the application of barriers, wearing the mask, and limiting his social circle.

If the health situation were to degenerate due to individual behaviors, a lockdown measure would be taken immediately.

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