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MP Christopher Emmanuel resigns from National Alliance and declared himself Independent.

chrisemmanuel27102019PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament Christopher Emmanuel finally decided to take the next step and declared himself as an Independent Member of Parliament. Emmanuel also announced during the Central Committee meeting that he has since resigned from the National Alliance.
MP Emmanuel said that when he joined the National Alliance it was a vision that no longer exists. He said in order to effect change for the masses he must resign from the National Alliance that no longer has the same vision and objectives.
Emmanuel did not sign the coalition agreement that was signed by the National  Alliance and UPP earlier this year, ever since the 2020 snap election, the rift between Emmanuel and National Alliance leader Silveria Jacobs has widened. It must be noted that since the NA-UP coalition was formed Emmanuel never supported the government, he has clearly voted against all motions put forward by the coalition and while he was not part of the government, he took almost one year before resigning from the National Alliance and declaring himself independent. SMN News further learned that Emmanuel wanted to have all benefits as a faction leader in parliament such as having his own staff. Parliament could not honor his request because he did not resign from the National Alliance, since the fallout earlier this year leader of the National Alliance Silveria Jacobs had appointed MP William Marlin as the faction leader of the National Alliance thereby stripping Emmanuel of all positions within the party. In a few weeks, the IPKO meeting will be taking place and Emmanuel will be able to participate in this meeting now that he has declared himself as an Independent Member of Parliament.

 SMN News learned from well-placed sources that MP Emmanuel is working towards launching his own political party he intends to name "National Opportunity and Wealth (N.O.W.)

To the leader and board of the National Alliance.

When I joined the National Alliance it was premised on a party principle that elevated above all others: The Alliance was a political power that sought to serve the needs of the people first. The party was established with a significant and distinctive role - passionate about St. Maarten and her people. No other party occupied that space. I fully saw myself within this lofty ideal.

This is a historic time in St. Maarten politics. What happens in the next months and years will shape our country for generations. The cause of the Alliance, and its approach as a socially-minded champion of the people, has never been needed more.

However, I believe our party has moved in a direction that no longer reflects the aforementioned ideal or approach and, as such, is not rising to the challenge of the moment and the opportunity it presents.

While I will be forever grateful to the National Alliance for the opportunities that were afforded to me and to the party members who have supported me, I have realized during the past few weeks that I will not be able to effect the massive level of change required for St. Maarten as part of the National Alliance. I simply do not see myself in the current approach and vision of the party.

What is it to be an SXMer today? Prosperous, powerful, privileged. Certainly not. And this is troubling. I look around me and find our people as divided and needy like never before in the wake of hurricane Irma and now Covid. Nonetheless, there is a difference in our attitude there has been a change, a slippage, in our moral and intellectual strength. Blight has descended on our regulatory agencies and dry rot, beginning at the top of this country.

Too many of us have lost our way, our will, and our sense of SXM purpose. It is time for a renewal, a new generation of leadership, healing leadership, but we cannot do it alone. And so I am asking each of you to be pioneers in this renewal, in this healing, in the reclaiming of great Country SXM our values: freedom, tolerance, and equality of opportunity. Then we can claim our position and responsibilities as leaders.

And so, after both objective deliberation and subjective soul searching, I've decided to resign my position as an MP representing the National Alliance in Parliament and will declare as an Independent Member of Parliament as of December 4, 2020.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I was a proud National Alliance member. I love our history and our people and I respect its stalwarts and leadership. So imagine what would lead me to voluntarily relinquish this honor of serving as a member. I may have chosen to be an Alliance member, but my loyalty rests with the people I come from, their needs, and their future.

I wish you and the party God's blessings and the best of luck moving forward.


MP Christopher Emmanuel.

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