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Motorcycle rider injured in traffic accident.

~ Law Enforcement officers not following COVID-19 protocols.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- An accident on L.B Scot Road has left a scooter rider and hospitalized confirmed Police Spokesman Joe Josepha. Josepha said that based on preliminary reports the accident occurred between a black pickup truck and the rider. The police spokesman said details are sketchy but from what they gathered is the pickup came out from Flamboyant while the scooter rider was overtaking some vehicles. He said it's not clear if the pickup truck hit the scooter rider or if lost control and ended up in the nearby ditch, investigations are continuing while the scooter rider remains in hospital in stable conditions.
Based on a live video circulating on Facebook two Dutch Detectives (Marechaussee) that are living in the vicinity of the accident chose to interfere with a media worker that was on the scene, live stream, based on the video the media worker was clearly not in close proximity of where the ambulance personnel and victim were but the two Dutch detectives wanted him away from there.
What was clear in the video lifestream is that the two detectives chose not to follow the COVID-19 guidelines in place, they were not wearing any facemasks and clearly not practicing the 2-meter distance. While there they did absolutely nothing to assist police but instead were very close to the ambulance personnel that we're providing emergency care. Also clear, the same video was an officer of KSPM who did not have on a mask and was also very close to the two Marechaussees and the ambulance workers.
KPSM has been trying to get its frontline workers to follow the protocols in place for the COVID-19 but somehow the message seems not to be getting to the officers of the law that issues fines to people that do not follow the said protocols.
Today, December 11th there are 129 active COVID-19 cases, so far 1225 cases have so far been confirmed on St. Maarten.

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