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Vaccination strategy on Saint Martin.

vaccinationcovid13012020MARIGOT:--- The first phase of the COVID-19 vaccination started on Wednesday, January 13, 2021.
In accordance with the national strategy of the COVID-19 virus vaccination campaign, the prefecture of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Maarten informs the population of the beginning of the first phase, Wednesday, January 13, 2021, for Saint-Martin and starting Monday, January 18, 2021, for Saint-Barthélemy.
Vaccination of volunteers will be done by a doctor or nurse supervised by a doctor. It will be done in two injections, 21 days apart. Every person vaccinated will be subject to enhanced pharmacovigilance.
Vaccination of the elderly:
As part of this, the first vaccines were administered in Saint-Martin from 13 pm today, for EHPAD residents located in Galisbay. Immunization also covers staff of the establishment over the age of 50 and/or having pathologies.
Indeed, people residing in institutions are at the highest risk of serious forms and these structures are known to be places where the virus is circulating rapidly. Professionals practicing in these structures are also particularly exposed.
Vaccination of health professionals:
Healthcare professionals, including liberals, firefighters, and carers over 50 and/or with comorbidities, have access to the vaccine, if they wish, starting at 14 this Wednesday, January 13, 2021, at Louis Constant Fleming Hospital Center (after expressing interest).
People over the age of 75 living at home will then be able to get vaccinated by showing up through a dedicated contact to be communicated very soon.
The modalities for developing the second phase of the vaccination campaign for a wider audience will be communicated later.

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