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MP Emmanuel says Mingo must go in order to protect airport employees.

chrisemmanuel06122020PHILIPSBURG:--- Independent Member of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel on Wednesday called on the Princess Juliana Airport Holding Company (PJIAH) to “make haste” to formalize the dismissal of CEO of PJIA Brian Mingo and save the airport employees from victimization.

The MP, who has accused the CEO and other Dutch consultants of fleecing the airport, said he has been made to understand that the CEO is very pre-occupied with trying to determine how Members of Parliament were in possession of confidential information.

This comes after several MP’s raised several concerning questions on Monday about the ongoing reconstruction of the airport. Most notably among those were MP Emmanuel who highlighted the amount of money consultants are being paid, the alleged double payment of Mingo, the benefits and perks of these same persons as well as the fact that the airport re-construction bottom line is now at the US $131 million, up from the US $107 million.

The MP on Wednesday said he knows that government has most if not all of the information that he presented in the Parliament meeting. “It should not have been left to MP’s to raise the issue. The government should have handled this situation already with the information they have. And if they don’t have it, it is negligence on their part. So the question is now, will the government sit by and do nothing? MP’s are the only people employees of these companies can turn to in order to be treated fairly and in the best interest of the country,” MP Emmanuel said.

“Once again we see the airport CEO pre-occupied with things other than controlling costs overrun at the airport and the actual completion of the reconstruction. The pandora’s box was opened and now he is reportedly hunting for someone to victimize,” MP Emmanuel said.

“He is creating an unhealthy and dark atmosphere at the airport, as if airport employees don’t have to worry about enough such as possible loss of income and benefits, now they have to be concerned about a CEO that is unhinged. I urge the holding company to follow its corporate governance directives and as soon as possible dismiss the CEO of the airport. It should have happened already,” MP Emmanuel said.

MP Emmanuel also urged the replacement of the operating board of PJIAE who he said is empowering the CEO and contributing to the mismanagement of the airport reconstruction.

He went on to say that a capable and caring leader would have taken the first opportunity after the “grilling in Parliament” to reassure employees about the airport’s plans moving forward, in which they are included and treated fairly. Instead, the MP continued, the CEO and his right-hand CFO have yet to answer the employee’s questions about the money owed to them and their future status.

“Again his approach is a selfish one that seeks to protect himself and intimidate employees. This atmosphere at PJIA is not conducive for progress and definitely not a comfortable place for what should be a dedicated and committed workforce, something we have always known the airport employees to be. One person has negatively influenced that working spirit and it is time for that person to go and go now,” MP Emmanuel said.

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