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PJIAE and Minister of TEATT provided vague answers to parliament.

~MPs demanded that their questions be answered, MP Ottley asked the PJIAE Management to take the podium to provide real answers. ~

PHILIPSBURG: --- Members of Parliament described the 48 pages of answers to questions posed to the Minister of TEATT Ludmilla de Weever provided to them on Wednesday regarding the reconstruction of the PJIAE terminal and operational projections for 2021 as vague and unacceptable.
Member of Parliament Christopher Emmanuel lamented that most of his questions were not answered while the Minister said the answers to the questions are confidential. Emmanuel made clear that it is not acceptable for the highest legislative body on St. Maarten to be denied answers to questions they posed about their government-owned company.
MP Omar Ottley also expressed his disappointment since he only asked 3 questions, and none were answered. Ottley proposed that the members of PJIAE Holding and Management who accompanied the Minister to parliament should be allowed to take the podium and provide the answers to parliament because he knows they have the answers.
MP Grisha Marten Heyliger also expressed dissatisfaction and asked the Minister of TEATT Ludmilla de Weever if she is satisfied with the answers she provided to the Parliament of St. Maarten on Thursday. The Members of Parliament asked the Minister to provide clarifications to the questions that they asked previously.
The Minister asked the chair of parliament to grant her the opportunity to take the team back to her office where she will work on getting the answers to the question. The chair suggested that the Minister use the conference room of parliament for such.
After a brief break, CEO Brian Mingo asked the Members of Parliament for more time to provide the answers that parliament is seeking. Mingo said he wants to provide the answers to parliament. Mingo said that he does not want to put his foot in his mouth because he signed the agreements. He further said that he does not want to put the airport at risk.
MP Emmanuel said that he does not believe PJIAE CEO because a year ago he promised to return to parliament with an answer but he never did.
MP William Marlin also informed Mingo that is understandable that the members of parliament are disappointed because PJIAE and the Minister of TEATT had enough time to provide the answers to the questions that were posed. Marlin said that having one MP raising the issues that he could not get answers to questions that were posed over a year ago gives the impression that something is hidden.
The meeting was adjourned due to the fact that the Minister of TEATT was not feeling well and could not stay much longer in the Central Committee meeting.

Click here for answers provided to parliament on Wednesday.

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