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CCSU unions review Justice Function books.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The committee of the CCSU received a request in December 2020 from the Minister of General Affairs and Minister of Justice to review draft function books of the Ministry of Justice for advice. In the opinion of the Minister of Justice, the committee could only provide advice on these function books.

In reviewing the proposed function books, the unions pointed out a number of decisions that are in conflict with established legislation such as article four of the LIOL, all legislation regulating the range of Justice personnel, all legislation regulating the MOT, legislation regulating the functioning of the National Detectives, legislation regulating the functioning of KPSM and the Minister of Justice are proposing retracting of the function book of the KPSM (and Immigration) which is tied to the rechtspositie KPSM. As such this request is one requiring the consensus of the unions and not merely advice. What was also missing was the legal advice of the Legal Affairs department which is considered critical when proposing amendments that deviate from established legislation. The unions also informed the Minister of Justice that the proposed amendments to reduce previously agreed upon fees are not in accordance with the conditions of the Landspakket of December 2020, the Plan of Approach Strengthening Border Control 2018, and recommendations of the Voortgangscommittee of 2019-2020.

The unions also expressed their disappointment with the fact that the concept LBHAM contains information that is not in accordance with the proposed its of the respective formation plans submitted. These differences result in a financial paragraph containing an inaccurate financial analysis.

More importantly, the unions expressed their concerns with the intention of the Minister of Justice to centralize the bedrijfsvoeringof Justice, in doing so make 33 Justice employees boven formatief. The unions motivated their concern with legislations of all Justice departments (with the exception of Justitiele Zaken and Stafbureau). These legislations clearly indicate that by law all departments within Justice have their own bedrijfsvoering that handles sensitive information.

The unions trust that the Minister of Justice will adhere to the LMA, adhere to the voortgangscommittee of 2019-2020, and ensure that the future handling of these function books is based on article 112h of the LMA. In addition, the Minister takes all the legislative concerns of the unions into account prior to resubmitting her request to the CCSU. The unions are also very disappointed with our Minister of Justice, who is always using the phrase “I am sticking to the Law”. While it is very clear as mentioned above that active legislation is not being adhered to.


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