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Ministry VSA to open Belair Community Center as Central Vaccination Location on Tuesday.

belaircommunitycenter08032021PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):---The Vaccination Management Team (VMT), has announced that the second vaccination location for public vaccinations will be the Belair Community Center in Cay Hill and it opens on Tuesday, March 9th.
In the original vaccination rollout plan, it was communicated that Dutch Quarter & Cole Bay community helpdesks would serve as public vaccination locations. At the time the VMT was not aware that the opportunity of the Belair Community Center was available.
It has good parking space and is located at a well-known and location (opposite the Sint Maarten Medical Center (SMMC). The great advantage of Belair Community Center is plentiful space making it possible to easily upscale vaccination capacity depending on registration and demand.
In the meantime, the Cole Bay & Dutch Quarter Community Helpdesks will be utilized as information & registration centers for the people living nearby. The public can come to receive information about the vaccine and vaccinations and ask questions. Trained staff at both helpdesks can also support persons with online and paper-based registration.
The vaccination locations that are currently providing vaccination services are CPS (at the Vineyard Office Park in Philipsburg) and as of Tuesday, the Belair Community Center.
The White & Yellow Cross Care Foundation (WYCCF), and SMMC will not be receiving new appointments. They will provide the second dose to those who have received their first dose three weeks after their first dose.
Note that at the WYCCF, the date and time of the second appointment will be exactly three weeks after the day and time of your first dose, and this is also stated on the appointment card.
If you receive an email stating a different time, this is a glitch in the system so please stick to the time and date on the appointment card that you received.
A shuttle bus system is being prepared to facilitate transport from the Community Help Desks at Cole Bay and Dutch Quarter. These busses will run from Monday through Friday between 7:30 am and 5:00 pm. Announcement of the exact pick-up locations will follow soon via various print, broadcast, and online news mediums.
The VMT encourages everyone to register themselves to receive the vaccine (even if it's not your turn). Provide a helping hand to those who need help in the registration and vaccination process. If you have a friend, parent, neighbor, or relative that might be struggling, please offer to help with registering, transportation, comfort, or providing information. If you need help or information, you can also call CPS at 914 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The online registration form is currently available in Spanish and Creole and can be found via this link:
For paper based “COVID Vaccine Registration Forms,” these can be picked up at several locations, including Collective Prevention Services (CPS) at the Vineyard Office Park Building, the Division of Labor Affairs at the Simpson Bay Public Service Center in Simpson Bay, Doctors’ offices, the Government Administration Building, and select pharmacies.
St. Maarten protected together.

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