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Minister of VSA visits group 3 / grade 1 at Methodist Agogic Center.

oottleymac22042021PHILIPSBURG:--- On Thursday, April 22, 2021, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor (VSA), Omar Ottley visited the Methodist Agogic Center, John A. Gumbs Campus of which he is an Alumnus. The Minister was invited by Group 3’s teacher who disclosed that the current topic of discussions in class is “Leadership”. Minister Ottley informed the class of what his job entails and what he plans to do as a leader for the country.

During the question and answer segment, he was astonished by the questions the group 3 class had prepared for him. One of the questions that stood out the most from a grade one student was “How does it feel to be a Minister?” Minister Ottley replied, “ It feels good, now I'm able to step out and do more for the people and the country.”

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