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Caribbean Lottery Sponsors Eye Screening Project and Charity Raffle for Lions Clubs of Antigua and St. Maarten.

lotterydonation05052021PHILIPSBURG:--- The Lions Clubs of Antigua and St. Maarten reaped success in their recent initiatives with the help of the Caribbean Lottery who donated US$2,700 and US$700 respectively to the organizations’ eye screening project and charity raffle.

Several students have been assisted with prescription glasses through the US$2,700 sponsorship by the Caribbean Lottery to The Lions Club of Antigua’s eye screening project while the US$700 which was handed over to The St. Maarten Lions Club went towards their various outreach activities.

The ongoing eye screening project of The Lions Club of Antigua aims to improve the quality of learning by providing students with access to improved vision care.

Desirée Edwards, President of the club, explained, “In the months preceding the national lockdown, one thousand three hundred and ninety-three (1393) students were screened with over two hundred and eighty-four (284) students in need of glasses.”

In response to this significant need, Edwards noted that the club “partnered with a few Optometrists and Ophthalmologists to deliver glasses to the students.” She also thanked the Caribbean Lottery for its contribution towards the project as it was a significant benefit to most of the students this year who are from low-income families.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Fundraising Committee for The St. Maarten Lions Club, Carmen Lake noted that the humanitarian efforts of the organization to help the less fortunate can only be met with community and business support and was grateful for the assistance rendered by the Caribbean Lottery.

The Club’s President, Mr. Alphons Gumbs echoed similar sentiments, noting that the event would not have been a success without the support of the Caribbean Lottery and the wider community.

“We note that we are in challenging times economically due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however as one of our corporate sponsors, you still find it worthy to support our cause and for that, we extend special thanks to the Caribbean Lottery for their continued support to the Sint Maarten Lions Club.”

caribbeanlottery05052021He added that the general proceeds from the fundraiser will also help to cover the cost for the slate of activities for the club’s current 50th Anniversary celebration.

Site Operations Manager at the Caribbean Lottery Miss Paula Williams observed, “The Lions Club is a particularly important group within our society, especially in these unprecedented times. We are glad that we were able to support the humanitarian efforts of The Lions Clubs of Antigua and St. Maarten. We are confident that the children who benefitted from the eye screening project are at ease as they continue their online learning. It is also good to know that the Lions’ outreach activities can go a stretch further in St. Maarten with the success of their recent fund-raising event.”

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