PHILIPSBURG:--- The management of Henderson International has a combined experience of seventy-five (75) years in the Insurance Market on Sint Maarten. As such we were here with the people in good and bad times. Being in the hurricane belt, the residents encounter some awful, yet notable events e.g., hurricanes, Luis, Marilyn, Bertha, Jose, Lenny, Gonzalo, Omar, Irma, and Maria. These events offer clients in insurance services the opportunity to effectively evaluate the performance of actors in the sector and choose a broker that is independent and offers added value. This is critical as various interest comes into play when the insurance company is required to settle a claim, namely the interest of;
- Insurance company
- The lender (often a commercial bank);
- The beneficiary (often a commercial bank);
- The adjusters hired by the insurance company;
- The client (that should be adequately compensated).
Depending on where you purchased your policy a claim can easily trigger multiple conflicting interests placing you as the client in a vulnerable position.
Our years of service to the community through Hencor Management dba Henderson Insurances made it clear to thousands of clients that as a brokerage firm representing twelve (12) insurance companies, we are independent and place the interest of clients first not only in the pre-contractual stage but particularly when clients have claims and feel lost in the jargon throughout the process.
Based on our track record, our services were widely sought by numerous private and corporate non-clients (not on our books) to assist with their claims handling process, solely for our effectiveness in securing good settlements.
When asked by the Government to take part in a bid to represent the countries damaged properties, we gladly took the challenge to give professional assistance in a crisis situation at a time when everyone’s main concern was to survive and procure the safety of property and their loved ones.
After winning the bid (out of four contenders) we saw this as Government’s recognition of our track record over twenty (20) years and took that as an incentive to get to work with the promise, the LandBesluit will soon follow.
Today, we understand that providing services without a LandsBesluit can be construed as “favoritism” even if that happens in the aftermath of a category five-plus hurricane. Despite your natural drive to play your part for all the right reasons, business must know that rules and regulations outlined by law will be enforced when the contract is terminated midterm without any efforts by the principle to reach an amicable compromise.
Expenses related to a four-year battle for reasonable compensation have done none of the parties good. We are not just humbled by this experience but feel it worthy to share with fellow citizens in similar situations or about to make the mistake of going to work for the country before having all requirements met.
Two interim and a final verdict on May 4th. 2021 is for us a clear indication that the judicial branch took its responsibilities seriously and offers hope for a good democracy.
We will continue to work for our clients with the dedication and commitment that characterizes Henderson International BV and will be putting their interest first now, during and after catastrophes.