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Free Bus Shuttle Service to Saturdays Pop-up Vaccination at the Orange Grove Pharmacy in Cole Bay.

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- The next “Pop Up Vaccination” will be in Cole Bay on Saturday, May 22 at the Orange Grove Shopping Center, Orange Grove Pharmacy from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Free shuttle service will be provided. Persons who would like to get vaccinated should bring a photo ID. The start time for shuttle service is 8:30 AM and concluded at approximately 2:30 PM.
Buses will run every hour. The Cay Bay Shuttle will pick up persons at the following locations: Caribbean Concrete; Entrance of Aaron Jacob Drive; Red Fox Grocery; Leonard Connor School; Leopold Bell School; with the final stop at the Orange Grove Pharmacy/Orange Grove Shopping Center.
The Simpson Bay Shuttle will pick up persons at the following points: Police Station (Airport Blvd); Windward Islands Bank (Airport Blvd); Simpson Bay Community Center; Route via Causeway bridge); and the final stop at the Orange Grove Pharmacy.
The Cole Bay Shuttle pick-up points are Little Well Oasis (Well Road); Tropicana Casino; Peking Supermarket; Narrow Drive; with the final stop at the Orange Grove Pharmacy.

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Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
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