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Government selected GEBE Management team.

gebeboard16032021~ Dr. Sharine Daniel to resume helm of company~

PHILIPSBURG: --- The government of St. Maarten has taken a decision on the candidates that will be occupying the seats of the management team of N.V GEBE. Those persons are Chief Internal Auditor Dr. Sharine Daniel that has been appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO). George Willem as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Merrill “Jimmy” Timmer as Chief Operations Officer (COO).
The candidates that have been selected are from the initial advice given to the shareholder after the recruitment process was completed. The first candidates that were recommended for the CEO and CFO positions have both declined, thus allowing the shareholder to appoint the second candidates for both positions.
Minister of VROMI and Deputy Prime Minister Egbert Jurendy Doran said in response to a question posed by SMN News that approved by the Council of Ministers. He said the Corporate Governance Council (CGC) also rendered a decision on the appointment. Doran said the next step that will be undertaken in the coming weeks is a shareholders meeting to finalize the appointments.

SMN News asked the Minister if is aware of the internal issues where employees are being suspended and or harassed by the current Temporary Manager, Doran said he did not think the issues should be discussed openly but intends to address the matter with the Council of Ministers.
At the moment the Human Resource Manager of NV GEBE has been suspended while an executive secretary is still on suspension.

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