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Minister Ottley visits NIPA.

oottleynipa23062021PHILIPSBURG:--- Honorable Minister Omar Ottley conducted an exploratory visit to the NIPA – National Institute for Professional Advancement on Wednesday, June 16, 2021. His Cabinet Officers, the NIPA Supervisory Board of Directors, and the Central Management team of the NIPA, accompanied him.
The Minister emphasized the objective of the visit to be exploratory as it relates to his understanding of NIPA’s role in the scope of Labor, and the extended national role for the preparation of all students and job seekers.
Minister Ottley enjoyed a tour of the facility, including the School of Nursing, the Technical Skills Labs, the Culinary and Hospitality unit, and the Learning Center. “I am impressed with the NIPA, and intend to support them wholeheartedly in their strategic plan 2020- 2024”, Minister Ottley stated.
The Minister continued by stating that during his tour, he conducted in-depth discussions with the NIPA Board, and the Central Management team, with topics ranging from education challenges, financial status, and the quality of education of the institution. “ As Minister of Public Health, Social Development & Labor, I have made it clear, upon my swearing-in, that I will focus on Labor. This means that NIPA will become a critically important educational institute for my Ministry, working in partnership with the NESC ( National Employment Service Center) . The NIPA focuses on preparing persons for the labor market, to this end, the NIPA and its team, have the full support of my Ministry, and by extension the Government of Sint Maarten. We will focus on the preparation of our local workforce so that we are not so heavily dependent on the import of foreign labor,” concluded the Honorable Minister.

The Monroe College Coordinator, Ms. Jewel van Arneman, was also introduced and provided the delegation with the scope of her role and what the Monroe College initiative would mean for the NIPA and Sint Maarten.

The meeting and tour ended with a special luncheon served at the Bistro at the NIPA, with a seven (7) course meal, prepared and served by the students of the Hospitality & Culinary Sector.

Minister Ottley wishes to extend heartfelt appreciation to Ms. Anenda Zaandam, Sector Coordinator, Mr. Alexander Adoptie, Chef Instructor, Ms. Renata de Weever, Chef Instructor, and Mr. Paul Peterson, Master Mixologist, all having contributed to the wonderful experience.

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