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Chris: No electricity, dismissing of PJIAH board members compounds embarrassment at PJIA .

cemmanuel02022021PHILIPSBURG:--- Independent Member of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel on Sunday said the lack of backup generators at the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIA) compounds the embarrassing situation at the airport for visitors and residents alike, and called on government for an explanation as well as to divulge what its current actions are regarding the Holding Board of the airport (PJIAH).
The MP said on top of the airport’s inability to provide basic service such as electricity for the second straight week, it has come to his attention that government is reportedly about to change the members of the Holding Board which could lead to the appointee from the Schiphol Group heading the Supervisory Board of PJIAH.
The lack of information and communication, he said, remains an issue with the government who doesn’t seem to understand or care that timely and truthful information benefits everyone and dispels rumors and innuendo. “For two weekends now the airport is thrown into more chaos than it is already in by not being able to provide electricity to the facility during a power outage,” Emmanuel said.
“This results in flight cancellations, frustrated visitors and airport workers, taxi drivers and others that couldn’t get out of parking areas, total chaos. The question is what is wrong with the airport power generators and why is this allowed to happen at an international airport. It is also a-typical of the poor management at PJIA for the past two years,” the MP said, adding that such a failure can only be placed at the feet of management.
Turning to a related airport subject, the MP stressed that Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs should at all times be transparent and explain what is happening with the boards of the airport which he maintains that the Schiphol Group is trying to exercise complete control over. The latest example of this he said, is the Prime Minister’s reported attempt to dismiss two of the three current members of the board of PJIAH and replace them with two persons of her choice.
He explained that the Corporate Governance Council (CGC) recently returned a negative advice on the two new replacement candidates. Their candidacy was rejected due to the fact that they do not meet the criteria. Reportedly the PM asked the CGC to reconsider since she “urgently” wants to dismiss the two sitting members, leaving just the Schiphol appointed member active on the board.
According to the articles of incorporation PJIAH, before any new member is appointed to the supervisory board, a majority of the current board members have to send a positive letter of recommendation on the candidates to the shareholder (government). However, Emmanuel explained that since the current two members who the PM wants to replace found out that they are to be replaced, they are reportedly not eager to issue a positive letter for their own replacements.
“The PM as shareholder can veto anything she pleases and she can appoint members as she pleases. That is her right. But it is very deceiving to dismiss the same two people who you got to agree to support the Cooperation Agreement with Schiphol as is with no changes. They are senior members of the PJIAH board. When they are dismissed and two new members placed, the only senior member left will be the representative from Schiphol. Logic would dictate that he would become Chairman unless the PM explains that this won’t happen. But again, communication and information are foreign concepts with this government,” the MP said.
MP Emmanuel said that ironically if the PM moves to appoint new members in this manner, she would be doing exactly what she suspended Managing Director of PJIAH Dexter Doncher for. “He was attempting to appoint three new members to the board of the operating company to fill vacancies and not dismissing anyone. And he was suspended.”
“Today we have a shakeup with the Holding Board with people that do not fit criteria and it is being pushed through, so much for good corporate governance. This unethical behavior continues just to give the Dutch what they want at PJIA, which is complete control. More than likely the general contractor will also be a Dutch company and the control will be complete,” MP Emmanuel concluded.


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