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kofi21072009Marigot: -- The choreographer that was hired by the Committee of Traditions and Culture (CTC) in an interview with SMN News said that to date he is not paid in full by the CTC with whom he has a three-year contract. Kofi Walker said when he negotiated his contract he asked for 8,000 Euros which he said was highly contested. He said he ended up negotiating his fees on four different occasions and they agreed to give him a three year contract at Euros 6000, 00 this first year. Walker said to date he cannot receive his full payment despite notifying CTC board members that he lost his grandmother and he needs to attend the funeral in Jamaica. Walker said his grandmother has had two strokes prior to her death all of which the CTC is well aware of. He said he wanted to leave the island on July 8 due to his grandmother’s illness but CTC was not in favor of it even though his contract was up on that very day. “I am a devoted dog and so I stayed to very end and now the CTC does not want to pay me what is owed to me.” Walker said.

He further explained that CTC is also responsible for paying his helpers. Two of which came on and left because of the attitude of CTC board members.

Walker also provided email communications he had with the president of the CTC board where he expressed his concerns and the confusion he is having with their board member. He also provided emails that were sent to him by Gael Mussington who clearly in her emails was not respectful to the person CTC awarded their contract. Mussington in her emails said she was the one responsible for the Caribbean Festival and she was not in favor of how Walker was doing his job as choreographer.


Walker said he already received 2,500 Euros while there is check that was sent to his account for Euros 500 but he is not sure if that check would clear while the CTC still owes him 3000,00 Euros. Walker said he saw the treasurer recently and he asked for his monies and was told that he can pass by “the hotel” to pick up some monies, but he made clear to this person that he does not want a part payment instead he wants the entire balance that is due to him. In the emails communication Walker sent to the president of the CTC he expressed his dissatisfaction with the Association who was not living up to their payments based on their contracted agreement.

Walker said he had the largest troop with 150 revelers, (the red, white, and blue) and he never received any credit from CTC neither his payment.


The well-known former St. Maarten Academy teacher said he was highly insulted by the CTC members especially Gael Mussington who was the person working closely with him. Walker said Mussington changed many parts of the show, which is what made the Caribbean Festival less than perfect. Walkers said he initially wanted 12,000 Euros to execute the job since the has a number of people that has to be paid, but the CTC did not believe he is worth that kind of monies and settled for less yet they cannot pay him for the work he provided.

The CTC had a budget of Euros 350,000 for the organizing of the Caribbean Festival, so far this reporter has gotten over ten complaints from people who are still to be paid.



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