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Guyanese Drug Mule Caught—swallowed over 100 Cocaine Bolitas.

drugmule18112009Philipsburg: ---A 43-year old Guyanese man identified as M.A.E is now in police custody as a suspected bolita swallower. Head of Customs Anthony Doran in an invited comment said E was arrested at the Princess Juliana International Airport on Wednesday morning during a control. Doran said E travelled from Guyana to Antigua and Barbuda on a Caribbean Airline Flight then to St. Maarten. E was supposed to board an Air France Flight to Paris on Thursday then take the train to Belgium. However, during the random control the man began acting nervous which led police to him. He was taken to the St. Maarten Medical Center where an ex-tray was performed at the doctors saw over 100 pellets containing cocaine inside of the suspect. Doran said E would be taken to the St. Maarten Medical Center on Thursday where he would receive medication to release the pellets.
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