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St. Maarten EMS presents adjusted posters.

cdeweeverreceivesadjusted912emsposters21062012Great Bay:--- St. Maarten Emergency Medical Services is celebrating EMS Week from June 17, 2012-June 22, 2012 with various activities to commemorate the event, such as radio interviews, lectures at two primary schools, CPR demonstrations and more.
On Tuesday morning, staff of St. Maarten EMS presented Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever with the adjusted Call 912 posters and brochures. Cylred Richardson, Head of the Ambulance Department mentioned that it is very important for the community of St. Maarten to call 912 instead of 911 in a medical emergency.
"If you call 911 you will get the Police Department, and they are not collecting the same information we need at the Ambulance Department with medical emergencies," said Richardson.
The poster has some handy information available, such as when to call 912 for an ambulance; information needed from you when calling 912, and what you can do until the ambulance team arrives.
"When every second counts to save someone's life it is extremely important to know to call 912. I am looking forward for this campaign to continue year round to ensure that the entire population of St. Maarten knows to call 912 in case of emergencies," said Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius de Weever.
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