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Résidents En-raged.

From reading the local SXM-media, it is becoming very obvious that, although for those who never expected that to happen, the proverbial 'chickens are coming home to roost'.
Gerard Bijnsdorp, the comical 'Unpaid adviser' and a number of his Simpson-residents, who long thought to be living in 'paradise' and were not as 'touchable' as the native-indigenous SXM'ers, are now trying hard to come to grips with reality and trying to figure out the 'way forward'.
Now, a number of Point-Blanche residents are set to become the next 'victims' of the diabolic and devious mentality of the corrupt SXM-Government.
A number of these Point-Blanche residents feel that having residing on the island for some 20 odd years, should be compelling enough an argument to sensitize the public.
If that were the case, how infinitely much more compelling would be our case as we native-indigenous SXM'ers ?
After all, simply consider the fact some of our ancestors were brought here HUNDREDS of years ago and not voluntarily and certainly did not live in nice homes with nice views.
Moreover, many of our ancestors suffered under the atrocities of the slave 'trade' and paid for the real development of this island and for their descendants with blood, sweat and tears ?
These remarks are not made to minimize the legitimate concerns of the residents now complaining, but to place the development of the 'Friendly island' in a broader perspective and for them to realize that while many of them were comfortable, many natives felt marginalized.
So, hopefully, reality is starting to sink in that until the ancestral rights of the native SXM'ers are recognized by ALL, sympathy for others, will not be exactly forth coming any time soon.
Time is long overdue that all residents realize, acknowledge and support the principle that charity starts at home and that the foundation to carry and maintain any form of cultural diversity, sustainable development, economic stability, safety and security and quality of life, lies in having a very viable and strong native-indigenous people and their heritage.
Until such time, more chickens will be coming home to roost.......with no end in sight.
Again our organizations are open, prepared and willing to create the platform for a true Rainbow-Partnership between all relevant stakeholders on the island.
We are convinced that without such a partnership, the country-status as presently promoted by the same politicians who have lost every once of confidence of the People, will be the beginning of a 'Wild-West- Banana- Republic'.
The choice is of the People.....

Leopold James
President SNBF & L'Esprit de Concordia

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